Thursday, June 19, 2014

Piano Improvisation - Pop Tones (1 2 3 5 7)

Hello again!

Here is the next video I mentioned in the previous post that covers another tool for improvisation that I teach my private students. I call them "Pop Tones." The reason for this title is simply because once you start creating patterns and melodies with these 5 tones, it begins to sound like many, many other songs you've probably heard before.

There are two benefits to this method: one is being able to make up simple melodies on a simple chord progression, but make it sound radio-worthy; two is that this exercise trains your ears for hearing these tones in a melody. And the ear training aspect works two-fold because not only are you listening for and/or recognizing these tones, but you will be able to hear notes that fall outside of these 5 tones that you can start implementing if you want.


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